How to use pattern in photography composition for impact

Using pattern in photography composition is easy, because patterns are everywhere! So, wherever you are you can find a pattern to use as an element of composition in photographs.

What’s more, you can create a pattern and you can highlight a pattern just by the way you photograph it.

Let’s look at how to make the most of pattern photography by emphasizing it as a composition element with a few simple tricks.

Regular patterns of lines highlight model and balloons
The exterior of this office block was perfect background for this colorful photoshoot. By photographing from the side of the building the pillars became a receding row and formed a solid background. The Line pattern contrasted beautifully with the round shapes of the balloon. Because the subject breaks the pattern our eye immediately goes to her.

But let’s first break down pattern photography and using patterns in photography composition.

What composition elements make patterns in photography?

Patterns in composition are created by the repetition of similar elements in photos, specifically:

  1. Colors
  2. Lines
  3. Shapes
  4. Tones
irregular pattern of light shining through green and orange leaves
The pattern of the backlit green and orange leaves caught my eye as a great subject to fill the frame

1. Colors

Shades of a particular color can form a pattern, as well as groupings of completely different colors.

Even the repetition of the same color, if repeated enough, forms a pattern in photography composition.

Regular pattern of purple painted bricks
The the purple painted brick path formed a regular pattern when I zoomed in and filled the frame

2. Lines

If you get enough lines together in a scene, you’ve got a pattern to photograph.

The angle that you choose to photograph the line pattern from and how you choose to frame the scene affects the impact of patterns in composition.

What’s interesting is that lines in photos appear to move closer together when photographed from the side rather than from the front.

Irregular pattern of biker and helmet shapes
Irregular pattern created by similar shapes of biker helmets, their black clothed torsos and the tails of parked bikes

3. Shapes

Look out for shapes in photos, because recurring shapes make great patterns in photography. As do groups of similar shapes.

When you have enough repeating similar shapes in a line, you can use the pattern that’s formed as a leading line to lead the viewer’s eye to the main focus of the image.

Irregular pattern of railing shadows
I noticed how the railings formed interesting shadows. I could’ve zoomed in on just the shadows, but I liked the curved line and pattern of the railings

4.  Tones

Just the tones formed by light and shadow can create wonderful patterns in photographs.

For example, shadows created by the sun shining through railings could make a really interesting pattern to include in an image.

Repeated tonal variation between light and dark areas is a highly effective composition element for black and white photography in particular.

Photography composition ebook

Where to start with pattern photography?

A pattern forms wherever enough elements repeat, so let’s look at:

  1. Naturally occurring patterns
  2. Made patterns
  3. Photographer made patterns
Patterns created by the tide of sand on the beach
I noticed the patterns formed in the sand by the receding tide and thought it would make an interesting abstract image. By photographing from a low angle I emphasized the texture in the pattern brought out by the low angle of the sun.

1. Naturally occurring patterns

  • Petals on a flower
  • Waves rolling to the beach
  • Ripples in a pond when you throw a stone in
  • Ranges of mountain peaks
  • A row of ducklings walking behind their mother
Pattern photography composition of locks and door hooks
The repeating colors, lines, locks an hooks of these beach huts creates a very eye-catching pattern.

2. Made patterns

I was going to say man made patterns, but as animals also create patterns, I’ll just say made patterns.

  • Rows of vines in a vineyard
  • Bricks in a wall
  • Books on a shelf
  • Buildings and parts of buildings
  • Stacked oranges on a market stall
  • A line of people

There’s a fascinating little fish, the puffer fish, that’s the king of pattern making. As you can see in this 1 minute clip from a BBC documentary, the male fish creates beautiful patterns in the sand on the seabed to attract a mate.

YouTube video

3. Photographer made patterns

Doing this photography composition exercise will instantly show you how the same objects create different patterns in photos when photographed at different angles.

  • Arrange a group of similar items and photograph them from above.
  • Then photograph the same set up from 45 degrees.

While you can use this to be creative with patterns for still life photography, it’s also good to bear in mind when looking for (or creating) patterns in the background of portrait photos.

Types of patterns in photography

Patterns come in all forms, and can be broken down into two categories:

  1. Regular patterns
  2. Irregular patterns
Regular pattern of blue panelling behind model
The blue wood panelling creates a regular pattern behind the subject

1. Regular patterns

When we think of patterns it’s usually regular patterns that spring to mind.

Regular patterns in photos are regularly occurring arrangements of similar or identical objects that make up a pattern.

irregular pattern of line of bikers
The repeating shapes of the line of motorbikes creates a pattern

2. Irregular patterns

However, very often a pattern emerges in irregular shapes, colors, textures and tones. A good example of an irregular pattern is my photo of the pattern in the sand left by the retreating tide (further up in this tutorial).

With enough repetition, even of irregularly occurring elements, a pattern forms.

Irregular pattern of red leaves
Do you feel your eyes being drawn around the image, examining the leaves?

Pattern photography composition techniques

Things you can do to make the most of using patterns as an element of composition in photography include:

  1. Consider your angle
  2. Fill the frame
  3. Break the pattern

Each of these tips for using patterns in photos involves using another photography composition technique, which is why it’s good to develop a broad knowledge of photography composition.

Further reading: 19 essential photography composition rules for creative photos

Bridge railings form pattern composition leading to woman
I moved around a lot at this location photoshoot to photograph the walkway’s railings from different angles for different patterns in composition. Every time I changed position the lines leading to the model changed

1. Angles and viewpoints

When composing an image, think about the angle that you photograph from. Try out different viewpoints if possible to see which works best in the photo.

For example, if you’ve ever driven past a vineyard, you’ll have noticed patterns forming from the rows of vines and how it changes as you pass each row. Coming down a mountain pass towards a vineyard you’ll see the impact of how the pattern changes from a higher viewpoint.

Irregular pattern of burned trees behind model
The burnt trees in the background compliment the color of the model’s outfit, but because they’re out of focus she stands out

2. Fill the frame

Getting in close and filling the frame with a pattern emphasizes the pattern and simplifies the image. Combining these composition techniques makes the pattern more obvious and the composition stronger.

In portrait photography you can use this technique by placing your subject in front of a pattern and filling the background with just the pattern. For example, photograph an author in front of a bookcase full of books.

This creates an interesting background and makes the subject stand out against the pattern, which leads to my next point.

Model against wall with Irregular pattern in composition
Placing a subject in front of a pattern breaks the pattern, which immediately draws the viewer’s eye

3. Break the pattern

The rebels among us are going to love this! It’s a great composition technique to use for portrait photography with patterns in the background.

If you really want to emphasize a pattern, break it. You’ll need to make sure that the break in the pattern is obvious, otherwise it won’t contribute much to the composition of the image.

Imagine you’re at the bookshop, looking at a display of the latest release and there’s one odd book that doesn’t belong there. That odd book will draw your eye, because it’s different.

This strengthens the composition of the pattern, because it gives the eye somewhere to rest, instead of constantly moving over the same books. It also adds tension to the image by constantly drawing the eye back to it.

A red apple in a display of green apples draws your attention by being the odd one out, which makes the image more interesting.

For great portrait photography composition, place your subject to break the pattern.

When you do break the pattern, it’s good to bear in mind the rule of thirds composition technique. For a photo with maximum impact, place the break in the pattern composition on one of the grid intersections.

Example of how a break in pattern draws the eye
The framing of this shot is all wrong. Instead of looking at the subject, our eyes are drawn to the gap in the wall, which breaks the irregular pattern of the rocks.

Give pattern photography a go

If your family and friends are sick of being photographed and the family dog runs away the moment you pick up your camera, try photographing just patterns.

Photograph patterns on their own, as the subject of the photo, rather than as an element of composition.

Half the fun of pattern photography is finding the pattern and the other half is seeing how great it looks in photos!

Single flower breaking the grass pattern

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If you have any questions about using pattern in photography composition, let us know in the comments.

Also, I love good news, so if my portrait photography tips have helped you to understand how to use pattern composition, share that too.

1 thought on “How to use pattern in photography composition for impact”

  1. Merci d avoir traité ce sujet très intéressant qui donne beaucoup d idée pour faire des compositions différentes et originales


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